Product Design Engineer

Workshop Blog

Welcome to my workshop blog. If this is you first visit, I suggest reading this post first. Enjoy!

Silver linings

Ashley and I recently moved back to the US. While there are many things we miss about Scotland, there are many things we love about being back. First and foremost, it's good to be in a country with proper Mexican food again. Secondly, it's nice to use our own kitchen stuff again. One kitchen item that I enjoy immensely is the cutting board Ashley and I made a few years back. I thought it was a worthy mention.

Ashley had little experience woodworking, so while we were visiting my uncle's family in Boise I took the opportunity to teach her how to use a jointer, planer, table saw, and routing table by making a cutting board and some clappers (more on those another time) in my uncle's shop. The board is made of walnut and a lovely scrap of bird's eye maple that was lying about. I tried to capture how beautiful the grain is in my second photo, but it doesn't do it justice. If you ever come to visit, ask to see our cutting board, it's lovely.

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