Product Design Engineer

Workshop Blog

Welcome to my workshop blog. If this is you first visit, I suggest reading this post first. Enjoy!

This blog of mine....

I’m one of those people who has a fatal flaw that also happens to be one of my best attributes; I’m a perfectionist. My pursuit of perfection has helped me to excel in academics and perform well in the workplace. “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right” has been a lifelong motto I adopted from my dad. Like it did for my dad, this motto has enabled me in some regards and crippled me in others.

Often, I have an opportunity or an idea that could be amazing, but I don’t pursue it because my inner perfectionist knows that I don’t have the time or the resources to do it perfectly. This blog is an excellent example of this. I bought this domain name nearly two years ago intending to create a portfolio website and personal blog. I have written and erased numerous blog posts and other various pages without ever posting them because they weren’t perfect.

Several months ago, I finally forced myself to make the portfolio bit of this website go live despite it being far from perfect. Sometimes it is better to have something that is imperfect than to have nothing at all. In that same spirit, I am finally taking this workshop blog live as well.

There are many types of workshop blogs out there, I haven’t fully decided which type I want this one to be. For now, I just want to post small blurbs about whatever I happen to be making in my workshop. I don’t intend to give instructions on how to do it, that’s what YouTube is for. Instead, I simply want to share the project alongside some commentary on the design process. I aim to give some insight into the mind of a designer.

If I have the time I will also be backlogging some past projects. I hope that you find my posts interesting and instructive. Feel free to comment, check out my contact page if you wish to get in touch.

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